In this post, we will discuss the theological roots of the Hamas-Israel conflict. We must reflect on its historical origins. During World War II, the region of Palestine was under a single protectorate governed by Western powers, with no internal division. In the World War II aftermath, the extermination of a large number of Jews in Germany created a demand for a Jewish homeland. Consequently, the United States and the UK made a plan to establish an Israeli state in Palestine. Ultimately, in 1947, the United Nations created the state of Israel. The West Bank of the River Jordan, the Golan Heights, and the Gaza Strip were not part of Israel and were governed by Jordan and Lebanon, respectively. Read this full post: https://www.commonprophets.com/2024/theological-roots-of-the-hamas-israel-conflict/
Youtube link: https://youtu.be/I5aOVY3SKUQ?si=N8yqKehf9qPeVhQQ
Spotify link: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/bharat-jjj/episodes/Religious-root-of-the-Hamas-Israel-war-e2m1i6n
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